SMART email marketing graphic on laptop

Email Marketing

Its arguable that email marketing is the most important form of digital marketing.

Unlike many of our social media platforms, email marketing does not have to deal with algorithm changes. If you have a customers email address, when you hit send, it hits their inbox. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need a strategy.

Utilizing email and opt-in’s to create an engaged list is more important than ever, and we have a SMART team that can make this a winning tactic.

We Love Social Media. We Can Help You.

Stop procrastinating and posting mediocre updates. We can tell your story and reach your audience.

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is a direct marketing tactic where commercial e-mail messages are sent to subscribers.

SMART email marketing looking at emails on phone

Although you could consider any email from your business account a form of “email marketing”, it’s agreed by most digital marketing specialists that email marketing is more than that.


Effective Email Marketing is done with customization, automation, and a plan. Email Marketing platforms like MailChimp, Constant Contact, and Klaviyo are popular tools that make email marketing easy and legal for many small businesses and brands. These tools allow you to have customers opt-in to your list and you can schedule out messages to large groups.


Email Marketing can be used as a lead generation tool to drip information to your customer throughout the buyers journey. Email Marketing is a big part of content marketing.

How Can You Use Email Marketing?

Email Marketing can be as simple as sending out a monthly newsletter or as complex as guiding a brand new user through your entire product line. There are hundreds of Email Marketing platforms that offer cost-effective solutions for every niche and business.


Some popular email marketing strategies and tactics are:


  • Newsletters
  • Sales or Seasonal Campaigns
  • Welcome Emails
  • Cart Abandonment Campaigns
  • Event Invitations
  • White Papers, Opt-In’s, and Lead Generation Downloads

Email Marketing Providers have become more and more advanced. Many of these platforms ask as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software and can help you track the buyers journey and your close rate.

Setting SMART Social Media Goals and Strategies

Eliminate the stress and headaches that go along with posting social content for your business. Our team uncovers your voice, understands your goals, and provides engaging content that brings your audience to you.

Smart social tablet

The main reason small business owners and brands struggle with social media is that they treat it like their personal page.

Most people:

A person with a board behind them

Post anything and everything that ever happens to them – hourly (oversharer)


Communicate only when absolutely necessary, posting life’s milestones (hermit)


Post when something comes up – with no major thought or process (mostly everyone)

You probably don’t want to be an annoying business, forgotten business, or inconsistent/uninteresting business.

Social Media Marketing is effective when you strategize, create a plan, and set SMART goals.


ur brand and your audience is important in creating an effective social media strategy. Your strategy will involve the platforms you want to use, content you plan to produce, and who you plan to reach. Your strategy shouldn't be - ``I will post when something comes up``.


How often do you plan to post? Are you creating a content calendar? How are you going to handle user comments? You need to have a plan in place and think out your scenarios. It's a lot easier to navigate the world of social media when you have a guide map.

Chart going up

Not every piece of content needs to reach thousands and solicit hundreds of ``likes``. When you create a new piece of content, know who you want to reach and the response you would like. Posting a MEME is certainly different than a Flash Sale - so expect different results.